Achats or

8653 mots 35 pages
E-commerce and E-marketing assignment

On line presence of two companies:





Tables of contents:

I. Introduction 3

II. Presentation of both companies

1. Rimmel London Line of business and background 3 History 4 Products 4

2. Max Factor Line of business and background 5 History 5 Products 5

III. Main page

1. Rimmel London 6

2. Max Factor 7

IV. Navigation

1. Rimme l London 9

2. Max Factor 14

V. Graphics, and layout

1. Rimmel London 18

2. Max Factor 19

VI. Personal opinion, recommendations and comparison

1. Rimmel London 19

2. Max Factor 20

VII. Missions of both companies

1. Rimmel London 22

2. Max Factor 23

VIII. 6 I’s of on-line business 23

IX. 6 C’s of Internet marketing 24

X. Conclusion 26

XI. Bibliography 26

I. Introduction

Internet has become one of the most popular ways of communication. People are using more and more Internet for searching information, communicate, or buying thinks. Everybody is using Internet and they start using it very early. Right now, not only television is the way of making marketing. The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing, one of which being lower costs for the distribution of information and media to a global audience.

Companies are making more and more websites. They realized that it was one the best way to expand their business. Indeed you can reach many people by Internet. They can sell their products online and make their promotion for them. For the customers is very useful as

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