American and soviet involvement in the middle east during 1969-1973

4157 mots 17 pages
The 6 days War completely changed the geopolitics situation in the Middle East; Israel demonstrated that it was not only able, but also willing, to initiate strategic strikes that could change the regional balance. Israel had seized the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank of the Jordan River (including East Jerusalem), and the Golan Heights. In the summer of 1967, Arab leaders met in Khartoum in response to the war, to discuss the Arab position toward Israel. They reached consensus that there should be no recognition, no peace and no negotiations with the State of Israel, the so-called "three no's". In the meantime, the two super powers were engaged in the so-called Cold War, a continuing state of political conflict, military tension, proxy wars, and economic competition. In The United State, Nixon came into power in 1969. Concerning the Soviet Union, the Six-Day war had tarnishing its reputation, both with regards to the quality of their arms and to Soviet willingness to assist a Third World client in a crisis situation. Therefore, from 1963 through 1973, the Soviets ambition was the rebuilding of the Egyptian and Syrian armed forces so they would capable of deterring themselves against an Israeli attack. Especially, it permits the Soviets to consolidate and expand their Mediterranean presence by strengthen its naval challenge to western naval dominance. The interest of the US/ Soviet in the ME. 1. Consequence of the Six- Day war
It’s easy to forget how bitter the policy debate in the USA was over Palestine in the 1940s; on the one side were the pro-Zionists in the domestic political arena, on the other, the Executive Branch officials concerned with the global and regional implications of a US- supported Jewish state. The American support for Israel, really start since the Israeli victory over the Arabs army. When the war began, the State Department announced: "Our position is neutral in thought, word and deed."17. Moreover, while the Arabs were

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