Analyse de la societé dans 5ans

470 mots 2 pages
Jeremy Sagnier The End of World To control this crisis, governments are unlocking billions of dollars. For example, the French government has put 360 billion Euros into their own economy, and the United States has set aside 700 billion dollars for stimulus. The world has spent a total of more than 2000 billion dollars to restabalize the world economy. During this time, banks needed money, so they did not monitor the source of the money they were gives. Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, confirms that 400 billion Euros worst of money from crime has been leached by the financial system and become part of the global economy. Accordingly inflation will increase. The economy is going down, and people are losing their jobs, cars and houses. Today people do not have confidence in government. All countries have large deficits relative to GDP. For example, the USA had a 10% deficit relative to GDP in late 2009. BBC says that the public deficit of Greece is 12.7% of GDP. Greece is now threatening to leave the European Union because of their economic problems. Greece is a very good example of what will happen in a few years for many countries. Greece has to have fewer deficits to stay in the European Union, so Greece must take certain measures. Greece has increased its VAT to 2%, lowered the wages of civil servants to 8% and the froze of pensions for retired private citizens. Demonstrations broke out in Athens when these measures were taken. Violence erupted again when masked gunmen attacked police on the grounds of the State Council building. In view of the present situation, and what has already happened, I believe that there will be many employees who go on strike. Also schools, hospitals and transportation systems will be blocked. Government will lose all credibility with the people. Then, the extremists of the local political parties will begin to react. There will be more

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