Anglais "arguments against euthanasia"

465 mots 2 pages
arguments against euthanasia

it's a topic that provokes many controversy and there existe many reasons to be against euthanasia.

In the first place : religious reasons

some religions think it's wrong to end a human life enven if the patient is in severe pain.
Furthermore some people think accepting suffering may have a spiritual value for your soul.
Some religious people believe that every human being is the creation of God .
Our lives are our lives and we have to take the life as it comes.
For them euthanasia is against the word and will of god to end a life, be it voluntary or not.
According to them it's a form of suicide that decrease the value of life

then there are moral reasons : and we can say that with euthanasia many abuses can occur like people might commit it against a person's wishes.

For example if the patient cnnot express his opinion doctors cannot be sure to his realy envy to die !
The ability to make a reasonned judgement is very important
What about cases where patients are senile or have a mental retardation. Can we be sure that they are able to make an informed choice ?
There is also the influence of temporary depression to think about.
Instances of attemted suicide show that they are many people who have moments of wishing they were dead but after a time, change their minds.
Euthanasia doesn't have to be a help to the suicide.

Next there are practical reasons

indeed people might recover from an illness or doctor's diagnosis might be wrong.
Doctor's shouldn't be allowed to decide when people die, they not play God.
And doctors are against euthanasia because it's their job to try to save and protect life.
They also existe a conflict with doctors hippocratic oath : they swear to prtect life.
Voluntary euthanasia is the start of a very dangerous situation that can leads to involuntary euthanasia and the killing of the people who are undesirable.
Euthanasia might be in a person's best interests and can

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