Anglais facile

1671 mots 7 pages
La voix passive : tense active passive Simple Present
Peter builds a house.
A house is built by Peter.
Simple Past
Peter built a house.
A house was built by Peter.
Present Perfect
Peter has built a house.
A house has been built by Peter.
Past Perfect
Peter had built a house.
A house had been built by Peter. will future
Peter will build a house.
A house will be built by Peter. going-to future
Peter is going to build a house in summer.
A house is going to be built in summer by Peter.

For , since , ago
For s'emploie avec une durée:
He has worked for 2 days
He has been working for 2 days Since s'emploie avec le point de départ d'une action:
She has been writing a letter since 2.30 pm
She has been writing a book since last April Ago s'emploie pour dire quand l'action s'est passée:
She worked 2 days ago
He left school one month ago

1. She went to Brisbane three years ago
2. We have been learning English for six months
3. I met her a long time ago
4. She has been working on this translation for a few hours
5. He has been watching TV since 6.00 p.m.
6. Three days ago he started reading a book
7. It has been a long time since I met her
8. She has been singing for hours
9. Tom has been sleeping since yesterday
10. The weather has been very fine since the beginning of June

On emploie le prétérit : 1. Si l'action s'est achevée dans le passé sans incidence avec le présent 2. Si l'on peut dire que l'action s'est déroulée il y a très longtemps (a long time ago) >> Forme affirmative
Pour les verbes les plus courants, qu'on appelle verbes réguliers, il suffit d'ajouter -ED au verbe pour le mettre au prétérit:
Ex: to play football (jouer au football)
>> Au prétérit: I played football = J'ai joué au football.
(même règle pour toutes les formes)
1) Bien sûr, si le verbe se termine déjà par un '-e', on ne rajoute qu'un '-d': to dance (danser) > he danced (il a dansé)

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