Anglais vocabulaire child labour

275 mots 2 pages
Child Labour
Computer scientist =informaticien
Computer science = informatique
Hardware =matériel
Software = logiciel
A laptop = pc protable
Apple makes children work/ uses child labour/ exploits children.
Children are employed by Apple. There are children who work for Apple. In France, children must go to school until (=jusqu’à) they are 16. Children can start to work at 16. The French law protects children.
However (=cependant), some children work illegally in sweatshops (=travail clandestin). Illegal immigrants work in sweatshops.
To be corrupt
Looks + Adj
A factory
Chain work = travail à la chaine
To exploit  to hire ≠ to dismiss
Sweatshops = atelier clandestine
Painful job
The workshop
A salary = wages
The income = le revenu
To be jobless/ unemployed/on the dole.
An awareness compaign
Cheap ≠ expensive
A composant
Competition = concurrence
A competitor =concurrent
Standard of living = niveau de vie
To wonder = se demander
A failure (n) ≠ a success
To fail
To take an exam  result ?
To pass an exam  result +
To fail an exam  result –
To supply sb with sth = founir qqn en qqch
The report = un rapport  the audit
Several = plusieurs
For instance = par exemple
Unnamed = non nommer
Credentials = qualité, un credit
To be safe = être en sécurité  to be in security
Safety  security
Apple employs children who are 15. The employees are low-paid in 2/3 of companies. Employees work in bad conditions  they work lot of hours, their work is dangerous.
People don’t wonder why the price are low and they don’t interested the origin of the low price.
High ≠ low
Gear = equipement
To highlight = to emphasize/ to stress
To take care of sth
Is taken care of by … = pris en charge

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