
372 mots 2 pages
Parrain : What do you wait ? You think that I’ll open the door
Bras droit : Oh, sorry goodfather

Le bras droit va ouvrir la porte, l’acheteur fait 2 pas, le bras droit le stop en tendant la main,
Acheteur :Akunamatata
Bras droit :Ok, What do you want ?
Acheteur : The goodfather is here ?
Bras droit : follow me
Le parrain se lève pour dire bonjour

Parrain : Hey, Macias my friend (accolade +check) Take seat !
Ils s’assoient tout les 2
Parrain :How is the family ?
Acheteur : Oh, good, boss
Parrain : And your Uncle Bens !
Acheteur :A little less better, but you know, the rice, one days it’s up and one days its down.
Parrain : Yes I know, I know, And you ?
Acheteur : I am in bad position, goodfather
Parrain : Tell me more
Acheteur : I don’t have more tea, and my mother come back in one hour. You know, I am affraid, she’ll gone kill me..
Bras droit : He is affraid by this mother !!! Parrain : Shut up Enrico you don’t know Mama Macias, if she haven’t her tea, she can kill. Give me the suitcase and the cams for my friend. You know Macias. At the moment, I have two tea which are the best on the market.
Bras droit : ok, goodfather
Parrain : This the lipton, he cames of states. Enrico explain.
Bras droit :The first lipton, bitter, give a bad’s not a true tea and the best, the must of the must, the top of the pops. He cames of turkmenistan ; « the cup of tea »
Acheteur : Oh !yeah. Turkish, I know.
Bras droit : Somptuous, magnificent, we has tested it, and we can say you that it’s very good cam, morever…
Parrain : Shut up Enrico.
Acheteur : Ok ! I think that I will take « cup of tea »
Parrain : Oh ! this is my last packet.
Acheteur : Yes, but I take « cup of tea »
Parrain : Are you sure ?
Acheteur : yes, goodfather.
Parrain : He’s sure
Bras droit : Oh ! yes he’s.

Parrain : Ok ! is your choice. As you want.
Acheteur : Oh ! thank you Goodfather.

Parrain :What a shame, that is choose the cup of tea !

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