
447 mots 2 pages
Well, I'm going to say a few words about Route 66.

First, I'm going to speak about the geography of route 66:

Route 66 (also known as Main Street of America or the Mother Road) is the highway which became one of the most famous roads in America.The Route 66 runs through Chicago, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New mexico, Arizona and California, Before ending at Los Angeles, covering a total of two thousand two hundred seventy height 2.278 miles. Driving along, we can see many places like,the Grand Canyon and Mojave Desert.

Now, I'll go speak at you about history:

The government approve this proposal and named the road in nineteen-twenty-six.
A lot of people used this Road during the Great Depression of the years nineteen-thirties. They leave they're house for begin a new life on the west cost.

In a few time i will talk about the meaning of Route 66 for Americans peaple:

For Americans, the Route 66 is an adventure and the freedom. Driving on Route 66 is a means to escape, to forget the world around us. It must be a memorable experience, we discover a lot of landscape and we can meet many people.

Eh bien, je vais dire quelques mots à propos de Route 66.

Je vais d'abord parler de la géographie:

Route 66 (également connue comme la rue d'Amérique ou de la Mother Road) est l'autoroute qui est devenu l'une des routes les plus célèbres dans America.The Route 66 traverse Chicago, Illinois, le Missouri, le Kansas, l'Oklahoma, le Texas, le Nouveau Mexique, l'Arizona et en Californie, pour se terminer à Los Angeles, couvrant un total de 2.278 miles. Conduire le long, nous pouvons voir de nombreux endroits, notamment, le Grand Canyon et désert de Mojave.

Maintenant, je vais vous parlez de l'histoire:

Le gouvernement approuve cette proposition et nommé la route en 1926. Monsieur Avery a commencé une organisation spéciale pour soutenir la route appelée l'Association américaine de Sixty-Six autoroute. Le groupe a donné la route un nom spécial -

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