
469 mots 2 pages
Firm presentation

I) General Presentation and History

INERGIE is a consulting firm in Management and Innovation, internal Opinion, Communication, and Customer relationship was created in 1986 by Mr Philippe Détrie. His customers are companies (national and international), as well as local and public authorities.

Inergie is a simplified limited liability company in capital of 400 000 €.

41 co-workers group include around three poles of skills: * Management, * Opinion * Customer care.

The pole management was created in 1987. In 2003, the pole opinion is born, followed by the pole customer relationship in 2006.

The firm’s business is divided as follows: * Opinion studies, * Trainings, * Management counselling.

Inergie leads 4 partnerships : * L’AFCI, * L’AMARC * Innov Acteurs * Entreprise et convivialité.

The siege of the company INERGIE as well as the officesdesks of various Business Unites is in the same premises. The building is situated in 15 Victor Hugo's avenue to Vanves in Hauts de Seine.

II) Department presentation

The customer care center leads the AMARC (Costumer Relations’ MAnagement Association). Created in 2004, the AMARC now owns 240 subscriber firms of which 75 % are a part of the CAC 40, sharing a dream: « Turn the pip into a nugget ».

The AMARC’s calling is to bring together and to pair the firms and the organizations in order to promote and to give professional character to costumer care management.

The association offers many activities like:

* Conventions (3 by financial year) * Clubs métiers (same line of business subscribers) * Build-up college, * Group work.

III) My tasks

The costumer service was created in 2006. It’s directed by Céline Maussion who is the service director.
My aim is to update the association's partners' files, by example a new subscriber. I handle the subscribing

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