Avortement débat

940 mots 4 pages
Debate on Abortion

| Moderator: Kim / contre: Apolonio / pour: JackieKim: Hello guys. We are going to discuss abortion today. Are you guys ready? Who would like to go first?Apolonio: I’ll go first. My arguments are easy. Murder is wrong. Abortion is murder. Kim: That’s it?Apolonio: That’s the basic argument. Jackie, do you agree that murder is wrong?Jackie: Yes, but I don’t think abortion is murder.Apolonio: Why not?Jackie: Because it’s just a fetus. A fetus is not a human being. Actually, it’s just a tissue.Apolonio: It’s not just a tissue. It has 46 human chromosomes, it’s a male or a female, and it’s complete, meaning nothing else will be added to it, just growth and development.Jackie: It can’t breathe, it can’t talk, it can’t walk, and it can’t live without the mother.Apolonio: If I’m a mute, does it mean I’m not a human being?Jackie: No.Apolonio: What if I can’t walk?Jackie: You’re still a human being. My point was that it can’t live on its own and it cannot do the things we can do.Apolonio: It’s the same thing when the baby is born. He is still dependent on the mother. He depends on her to give him food, to be cleaned, etc. There are also others such as the paralyzed that cannot live on their own. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to murder them. Jackie: But that thing is basically useless. So that’s it? You don’t care about what the mother feels?Apolonio: I do. That’s why I am pro-life. Haven’t you heard of testimonies of mothers after abortion? It basically kills them.Jackie:. You “may” have proven that a fetus is a human being, but there are also other factors, such as a woman’s privacy and right.Apolonio: You mean a woman’s right to murder?Jackie: No, a woman’s right to give birth. No one should force her to give birth. It’s her body.Apolonio: A woman forced herself into having birth. No one forced her to have sex. And what we’re doing is condemning her because abortion is murder. We are forcing her not to murder.Jackie: It’s her body. She can do

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