
1381 mots 6 pages


Ukraine is the borders of the Poland and Romania on the west side, Russia to the east side. The country is little bite larger than France (579,330 km2, against 549,970 km2). The Ukrainians speak both languages Ukrainian and Russian They get 44.6 million people in the country. They are predominantly Orthodox.
Ukraine has been often dominated by his neighbors. Close to the Europe and Russia, his name is call "border". The USSR was the last country to dominate Ukraine. It only became independent when the ukraine was fall in 1991. This country has been very important for Russia that it was the attic and the flagship of his industrialization.

Quand est-ce que ça a commencé à mal tourner ?

The 21 November 2013, Kiev stop the negotiations on an association agreement with the European Union. The negotiations was discuss since five years and the signing was provide for the following week. A lot of protests was in Kiev after that. The protesters asked the signing of the agreement. The protests has been violently repressed. There are many people who got hurt.
But this is not that all. In processions, protesters chanted "lanoukovitch (the President) get out!" and holding placards inscribed "We are not the USSR, we are the EU." From the start just two lines appear: the rejection of the President and the rejection of Russian influence.

Attendez, je ne vois pas le rapport entre l'accord, le président ukrainien et la Russie. Vous m'expliquez ?

In 2004, Viktor lanoukovitch was elected president for the first time. Finally elected in a rigged election, it will not really happen. Two days after his election, 500000 people went at Kiev to support of his opponent Viktor louchtchenko (pro-European). This is the "orange revolution."
A new presidential election was made. Lanoukovitch, backed by Putin, was beaten by louchtchenko. But the "orange revolution" didn’t stay as long they wish and Ianoukovitch returned to power

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