British and american constitution

403 mots 2 pages
You will write an essay discussing the following statement:

"The American constitution more efficient than the British constitution, because it consists in one single, identifiable document".

The American constitution is made up of twenty-seven amendments, including the ten first ones called the Bill of Rights, but it still remains a single, identifiable document. On the contrary, the British constitution is a group of texts for instance the Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus, the Bill of Rights, the Act of Settlement and more recently the European communities act. Both of these constitutions are written in order to improve the human rights in their states but also to check and balance the power between the different branches. The United States are a federal constitutional republic and the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, even if they do not have the same political regime, they choose a constitution. We could obviously ask ourselves, considering the nature of their constitution, if the American constitution is more efficient than the British one.
Of course the fact that the American constitution is just a single text appears more practical. For example, the United Kingdom which also is a member of the European Union is concerned by the European communities act and it has to match with the British constitution. It can also be difficult to a plaintiff to know which text will have a major importance to defend his own rights. But we have to go past this relevant criterion and be aware of this expression “you can't judge a book by its cover”.
Evidently the essential of a text is its content and by the way we can notice that the Bill of Rights was also included in the American constitution, at least, one of the text of the British constitution is very significant to the fathers of the United States. Historically the United Kingdom was one of the first states to have its own constitution so it seems obvious it inspired so many constitutions all over the

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