Bumfights (combats de clochards)

623 mots 3 pages

Introduction :

The Bum fighting is a practical which consists in filming homeless persons fighting mutually to get some money, alcohol or drugs. This phenomenon is appeared in 2001 with the first videos on the web showing tramps fighting between themselves. The number of videos increases sharply so the NCH (National Coalition for the Homeless) has stated that the Bumfights videos disseminate hate against the homeless and dehumanize them.

I°) Origins :

Since 2008, attacks against the homeless are growing. According to the New York Times, it’s "a combination of factors wich gave of the scale of the problem: rising unemployment and foreclosures grow more and more people in the street. " The subprime crisis that has lasted for 3 years now has enormously increased the number of homeless and has highlighted this society problem.
Which resulted in violence against the homeless is not due to the crisis. The Jackass phenomenon, where you can see professional stunts ridiculising and hurting themselves self in videos and even in movies made the unnecessary violence very popular with young people. Some of these youngs don’t have the courage to inflict such a stupid and useless violence to themselves, but they have a parade: to impose it to homeless for few dollards or alcohol.

II°) Its Extent :

In 2008, one hundred and six homeless have been attacked without reason, whose 27 are dead. According to the new york times, this phenomenon is due in part to the increase of unemployement and to the subprime crisis which raises the homeless number.
There are 86000 degrading videos of tramps on youtube and 6.8 milllions of those videos have been sold as DVDs.
Some of them accept it because they are alcoholics, disturb minded and poors.
Among the 2859 homeless counted in Washigton, one third state they have ever been beaten.
Before we ignored homeless persons, now certain want to get rid of them, this is a new minority whose people tolerates hatred, if

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