Devoir 2 du cned, ça peut être très utile, mon prof ma dit que cétait parfait

253 mots 2 pages

We have created a new car which is going to be a great advance for the future. I , , the president of MSC cars and lots assistants which I thank so much , we have spent years to create the first prototype of this impressive product.
This car doesn´t pollute , it isn´t expensive and it has a sport style apart from the fact that his material is very resistant, very sure, and of an enormous quality.
A cuple of years ago, all the world spoke about climatic change, global warming. So we though that something had to change, and that we had to reduce our CO2 emissions. Many cars have already been created but they still pollute , they are extremelly expensive or the materials to make them work are very difficult to find. The H2O car works with water instead of products derived from the oil and doesn´t pollute , it´s very respectful with the environment.
You just have to put water (80 liters is the maximum thing that it fits) and the engine will turn the water into steam , after that the car will be ready to run , 80 liters corresponds to a distance of 230 kilometres. So apart from the fact that his price is cheap , it´s very cheap to support it because it only needs water.
The car would cost 14689€ .
Thanks to our car we hope that the future of our planet improves, and the well-being of you also.

the president of MSC

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