
954 mots 4 pages
UNIVERSITE DE YAOUNDE II THE UNIVERSITY OF YAOUNDE II FACULTE DES SCIENCES * *NOUVEAU PROGRAMME DE *ECONOMIQUES ET DE GESTION * TROISIEME CYCLE INTERUNIVERSITAIRE * B.P. 1365- YAOUNDE II * (NPTCI) EN ECONOMIE {draw:frame} Tél. : (+237) 22 21 34 41/ *Fax:* 22 23 79 1 {draw:frame} *Topic: Impact of Brain Drain on* Africa Supervised by: Pr. DJOCKOUA Authors: DJAMAWA- ENDJIKPENO Hermas Guy Socrate AMBAGNA Jean Joël MOUKAM Claudiane Yanick LACMAGO GAFFO Christiane EHAWA EHAWA KOMTIGNIMI OMBIONO Emile SIMO FOTSO Arlette Academic Year 2010- 2011 SUMMARY Introduction Causes of Brain Drain in Africa Lack of good governance Lack of opportunities Lack of social wellbeing Consequences of Brain Drain Negative Positive Solution Conclusion INTRODUCTION Globalization is characterized by a free movement of good, services, financial capital and people. In Africa, we can observe a large-scale emigration of people with technical skills or knowledge: it is brain drain. It also occurs when Africans studying away from their homeland do not return to their countries. This phenomenon affects the African development, so what is the impact of Human capital flight on the African’s economies. To assess this impact of Brain Drain in Africa, we presented firstly the main causes; next, we analyze the consequences; then, we suggest measures to fight against it. I-CAUSES OF BRAIN DRAIN IN AFRICA Brain Drain in Africa is normally due to conflict, lack of opportunities, political instability, health risk, unemployment and lack of social wellbeing. All those reason can be group as follow: Lack of good governance It is characterize by the lack of democracy and liberty, political instability which cause conflicts. Political instability increases the rates at which professionals move to the developed nations. e.g: The war in Sudan between the

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