
3226 mots 13 pages
The British Constitution & the British Monarchy. CD2.


To convey: traduite (au sens de communiquer: transmettre)
To set up : établir, ériger
To embody : incarner (embodiment)
To draft: rédiger
Landmark: point de repère
To lay down: établir qq chose par écrit
Tax : impôt (taxation)
Summon : convoquer
Trial : procès (to trial: juger une affaire dans un tribunal)
Bill : projet de loi
As a result of : en conséquence de
Comprehensive: exhaustive
To be entitled to : avoir droit à
To implement: appliquer [une règle]
To regulate : reglementer (regulation : un reglement/reglementation)
Advise : des conseils. Give me some advise.
To appoint: nommer (appointment)
Give rise to: donner lieu à
Press release: communiqué de presse
To question: remettre en cause

I. The British Constitution

British English Constitutional rules in perspective.
There is no such thing as a British Constitution. There is rather an English constitution which was imposed on Wales, Scotland and Ireland when they joined England. More appropriate to refer to a set of constitutional rules rather than constitution (American or French style).

II/ An unwritten
English constitution: unwritten, unentrenched, flexible. As a result, it is said to be flexible (as opposed to French or American which are rigid). EC is unwritten. Is a tricky word: means uncodified—never put into one single all inclusive code. Not contained in one single document.
Two main categories of constitutional rules exist:
1. Written down in acts
2. Others without ever been established in formal written document.
No code regrouping all the existing constitutional rules has ever been published. Napoleon looked down on England as a nation of shopkeepers. Lack of codification is specific to England. Legal rules have never been codified either, English law is judges “made law” (droit d'origine jurisprudentiel.)

The EC is unentrenched: trench—protection. Soldiers used to dig trenches

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