Essay - richard the lionheart

2056 mots 9 pages
Written Expression : Essay
« Richard I of England, The Lionheart »

As the centuries have passed, Richard I of England, also called Richard « the Lionheart » because of his reputation of being a courageous and brave man, has became the most famous King of England, in and out of the English Kingdom. But behind the hero that the legend has made there was also a King who has left his print in the history by fighting during the crusades and left the throne to a regent when he was away, which was the main part of his reign by the way. But, why this King who has spent most of his reign out of the country he’s still one of the most famous English King ? What was his story and why do he have a so glorious reputation today ? The reign of Richard, as the reign of most of the English Kings, was divided in three parts, which all have their importance in the administration of a country during those times : He had to deal, first, with the inheritance of his dynasty, the Plantagenet’s (I), and then he also gave prominence to the religion and the clerical influence in the Kingdom (II). And finally, he had to deal with the relation a King has with his Kingdom and his subjects (III).

I - The inheritance of the Plantagenet

A - Family and Personality

Third of eight children, Richard was the son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was born in 1157 (the eighth of September) and as he wasn’t the elder he wasn’t supposed to become King of England, he wasn’t the legitimate heir of his father, but the dead of William and Henry « the young King » made him the legitimate heir of the throne. It is also said that Richard has always been the favourite of his mother, unlike his father who had a preference for one of his younger brothers, John. His family was part of a famous dynasty of the English history, the House of Plantagenet. This dynasty, which has begun with his father Henry II, included some of the English Kings but also some French, Wales and

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