
1409 mots 6 pages
Grammaire Exercice 1 Simple & Progressive Present • Joan (1) [pic]football every day. (to play) • Who (2) [pic]on the grass? (to walk) • We always (3) [pic](to speak) softly while Mother (4) [pic]. (to sleep) • Who (5) [pic]to? (you, to talk) • Jim says: "(6) [pic]to school now". (I, to go) • In the winter, the sun (7) [pic]early. (to set) • The church bell (8) [pic]for Mass every Sunday. (to ring) • (9) [pic](you, to listen) to me? (10) [pic]to repeat myself. (I, not, go) • (11) [pic]his name. (I, not, to remember) • No, (12) [pic]; I am awake. (I, not, to sleep)

Exercice 2 Present Perfect— present perfect ou prétérit

1. It's 9 A.M.; [pic](the postman, to come) yet this morning? 2. [pic](I, never, to visit, Rome) in my whole life. 3. When I was a teenager [pic](I, to play) football every Saturday afternoon. 4. No, [pic](I, not to see) that film yet. 5. This year there [pic](to be) a lot of traffic accidents in this country. 6. My dog [pic](to run away) while I was walking him in the park. 7. My keys are missing: [pic](you to see) them? 8. I can't do it; [pic](I, already, to try) it several times. 9. When I asked him for time off, [pic](he, to say) "No". 10. [pic](you, to eat, ever) caviar?

Exercice 3 Past Perfect* — le plus-que-parfait

Il faut choisir entre le Past Perfect et le Present Perfect. Parfois il faut employer la voix passive. 1. When I went to the car park, I found that my car [pic](to steal). 2. Peter [pic](to live) in Paris for 4 years before he could speak French fluently. 3. "Where [pic](you, to be)?" she said when I finally turned up. 4. [pic](I, to learn) English for 5 years now. 5. The locals were amazed because [pic](never, to see) a horse before. 6. They wouldn't let him in because [pic](to forget) his membership card. 7. "You can't come in because [pic](to forget) your membership card." 8. [pic](you, to see)

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