Exposé anglais colombie

1542 mots 7 pages

I wanted to talk about the Colombian issue, because it's a complicated, thorny situation, which lasts since many years. It's becoming even more and more complicated with the pass of the time, also because french medias don't explain the whole problem, and if we only watch news on TV, it could seem simple: they are good people and bad ones.
We have heard a lot about the FARC during the last months, mostly because they have been keeping prisoner for six years Ingrid Betancourt, a french-colombian political woman.
But kidnappings are not the only side of the guerilla and it's better to consider it on the whole.
The marxist guerilla is having a conflict with Uribe's politics and its right government, which refuses any talks while there will be still violences in the everyday life of Colombian people.
We can wonder if Uribe's politics is the good one, considering his own story and comparing with former presidents, such as Pastrana (the last one before Alvaro Uribe).
Another significant issue is the rôle played by other governments of foreign countries, such as the United States, Ecuador and Venezuela, or as well France.
Then we can start thinking of Ingrid Betancourt's sad situation, and how long this can last.
And finally, how a peaceful future can be built, not only for the colombian society but alsofor fighters, with some controversial laws of partial amnesty voted by the Parliament.

I- Brief story of the three main armed groups in Colombia


The oldest and largest group among Colombia's left-wing rebels and one of the richest and most powerful guerillas armies.
The group was founded in 1964, when it declared its intention to use armed struggle to overthrow the government and install a marxist regime.
But their tactics changed in the 90s, when the right-wing paramilitary forces attacked the rebels. The FARC became increasingly involved in the drug trade to raise money.
Some analysts believe the group has lost its political vision

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