Exposé anglais

687 mots 3 pages
Waves and health

Good morning everyone! My name is Sébastien Polnecq. Today I'd like to speak about Waves and health. The objective of this presentation is to present the dangers of waves on health.


Radiations and health concerns (inquietude) have raised (augmenté), especially following (suite) the enormous increase of the use of wireless (sans fil) in the world. These concerns have induced (provoqué) lots of researches. That’s why I have chosen the subject “Waves and Health”, in order to become aware (=être conscient) of the dangers around us. I will develop this in three parts: - First, the different waves. (Firstly, I will speak about the various waves.) - Next, the effects on health. (Then, I will speak about the effects on health.) - Finally the solutions and studies. (And I will finish by the advice.)

Ok let's start with the first part!

The different waves

Concerning the different waves, you can see a graph which shows all the different waves around us in function of their frequencies and wavelength. ← Electric line ← Radio ← Radar and mobile phone ← Remote control (télécommande) ← UV machine ← Radiography
Now I'm showing you a graph which presents the radiations received by being humans in Watt/m²in function of appliance.
We can see that the maximum of radiation received by the being human is caused by mobile phones.
At the contrary, satellites do not present real dangers for human. Indeed, their rates of radiation received are very weak.

Let's now look at the effects on health

Part of the waves emitted by a mobile phone is absorbed by the human body.
All organs can be affected but the brain and the reproductive organs have more risks.
The power received by the brain increases or decreases according to(selon) the situation, for example inside or outside buildings and in your vehicle, more the phone searches, more the radiations are importants.
The waves turn water’s

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