Exposé anglais

1169 mots 5 pages

Done by : Rais Nacer & Idrissi Kaitouni Brahim

Class: 1èreS3

I] History
A) Before 1492
B) After the European Colonization
II] Distribution on the continent
III] The culture
A) Technology
B) Music
IV] Native Americans today in the usa

The Native Americans are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of North, Central and South America. They are also called the Aboriginals, the Indigenous People or Amerindians.
Application of the term ‘Indian” originated with Christopher Columbus, who thought that he had arrived in the Est Indies, while seeking Asia. . This has served to imagine a kind of racial or cultural unity for the aboriginal peoples of the Americas. Once created, the unified "Indian" was codified in law, religion, and politics. The unitary idea of "Indians" was not originally shared by indigenous peoples, but many over the last two centuries have embraced the identity.
Many parts of the Americas are still populated by Indigenous Americans; some countries have sizeable populations, such as Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, and Ecuador

I] History

A) Before 1492
Long before the white man set foot on American soil, the American Indians, or rather the Native Americans, had been living on this land. It is believed by many anthropologists and archaeologists that the first people arrived during the last ice-age, approximately20,000 - 30,000 years ago, crossing the land-bridge at the Bering Sound, from northeastern Siberia into Alaska. They were approximately 10 millions of Indian North of present-day Mexico.

B) After the European Colonization
In 1492, the continent was discovered by Christopher Columbus, and then began the European colonization.
When the Europeans started to arrive in the 16th- and 17th-century they were met by Native Americans, and enthusiastically so. The Natives regarded their white-complexioned visitors as something of a marvel, not only for their outlandish

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