Expression ecrite en anglais niveau seconde

267 mots 2 pages
Today I’m leaving my house ,my school ,my countryside ,my world a during 1 week to do the most important trip of my life. Indeed I live to the Southern America and This night I will be to Manhattan
I will be plugged in the urban life I will be really city dweller .I’m very exciting and upset.
I’m commuting and I arrive in this well-known capital: New York .During my stay I will live in the flat’s new Yorkers family It’s amazing .
I notice above all the huge skyscrapers everywhere in the Town. On The main street hundred people are hurrying to go to work they are very stressfully .The noisy is ceaseless. All the road are tarred and congested a lot of cars and scooters in front of traffic light It’s so different to my countryside .In the neighborhood to Manhattan to each block is trendy shops and each pavement there are snack All the day I go window-shopping I love it. It’s so impressive I lost in this big world .
But It’s also disturbing because I see a lot of homeless, Policemen and Hooligans contrary at home .Here I can’t walk alone.
The urban life is very colorful and great because I can, entertain, visit very interesting place and make friends . There will never be bored in the Town but calm campaign is very restful
To find if I had to choose between the city and the campaign I would choose urban life because it moves and I’m keen on it

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