Feminist movements in evolving contexts: from chilean military regime to a decentralized democracy

1414 mots 6 pages
Feminist movements and women groups have linked with the state and the civil society to develop public policies and prompt women into the political sphere as social actors and citizens. The story of Chile is particular in the sense that opposing ideologies have used similar tactics and methods to push for political goals, both during the implementation of the military government and the transition into democracy. Feminist movements and women groups in Chili can be broadly characterized by their nonpartisanship to political leaders and parties. Though the causes being advocated and fought for can be considered political, such as socioeconomic factors, equality and an end to patriarchy, the mobilization of these women has often been done without explicit political affiliation permitting them to mobilize as many women and actors for their causes. Since the 1970s Latin American feminism has fervently invested its efforts in bringing to light the discrimination, inequalities and suffering of women. Equal opportunities and recognition of women, in the domestic and public sphere, now form an integrated part of the public agenda. To ensure equal opportunities are maintained and these agendas progress, international and national instruments have been put in place to monitor discriminatory practices1. The evolution of these women movements and how they have transformed, for the most part, Latin American recognition of women encompasses four major turning points. First, demographic changes such as greater access to education, later marriages and lower birth rates during the end of the twentieth century increased women’s participation in the workforce. This enabled a more diversified view of the women, they were no longer just recognized as spouses and mothers. Second, feminist groups were an ever-growing force behind the struggle for democracy in several countries during the 1970s and 1980s. Third, the UN Decade on Women (1975-1985) served as a support for these

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