Five of the most unusual jobs

1133 mots 5 pages
Five of the most unusual jobs

Chicken sexer

Farmers do this for free, but there are places that actually pay someone to check out chicks and determine if they are a chick chick or a dude chick. Laughter Therapists This job is one that requires a great sense of humor as you actually have to be able to make people laugh. Laughter therapists teach people how to lighten up and see the humorous side of life. I think a gum buster might just need one of these therapists after a few years on the job! Golf ball diver
A golf ball diver is simply a person who works at a golf course and goes into the water hazard and collects the balls that ended up there. An interesting occupation and one a teen ager might actually enjoy during the hot summer months. Dog psychologists: Individuals trained to analyse the behaviours and characteristics of troublesome canines;

Kosher certification consultants: Experts on Judaism who ensure that food is prepared in accordance with Jewish law;

Five of the worst jobs in the world

Worm taser

I’m sure you know what a Wine Taster does – he checks the quality of wines before it is bottled. You probably know that a Cheese Taster checks how good cheeses are before they are sent to the supermarket. But what about a Worm Taster? Well there are a number of Worm Breeders around the UK – they sell worms to the fishing tackle shops who then sell them to people who go fishing. Worms come in a number of breeds – some are more attractive to fish than others – breeders are always searching for the perfect worm – one that the fish can’t resist. That’s where I come in – I spend each and every day sniffing, feeling and, of course, eating raw worms in an effort to find those new breeds that the fish will like.

toilet attendant. Now I know that there are many toilet attendants in the world but I think my job is worst of all. Why? Because I work in the Stockholm Constipation Clinic. So what's so bad about that - well people come to

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