Freedom in denmark

1985 mots 8 pages
Freedom in Denmark

Is Denmark really a free country ?

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| |poster of the popular party criticizing « the Mahomet caricatures |
| |crisis » publish in the danish newspaper : Jyllands-Posten |

Denmark is a democratic society that offers freedom, responsibility and equal opportunity for all regardless of gender, race, cultural background and way of life. Everyone is free to think, speak and write what they feel, form associations, practise their religion or follow an alternative way of life. Personal freedom and equality are fundamental values in Danish society - limited only by the need to respect the personal freedom and equality of others. (extract from the official portal for foreigners and integration)

Liberty is the ability to act following his or her own will without being subjected to power of others. In the Middle Ages, a liberty was a land on which the lord had given up his rights.

Danish democracy is based on old and deep-rooted traditions developed as a reaction against royal absolutism in the 18th and early 19th century. Individuals liberties are secured by the danish Constitution. This one

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