
1390 mots 6 pages
The effect of globalization in Europe

Globalisation is the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. Goods and services that appear in a country will be immediately promoted and commercialised in the other countries. The globalization affects the business world and exerts a wide influence on society. Globalization and its consequences on trade and international finance have powerful effects on national economies. They favor the progression of emerging countries to the detriment of others Third World countries forced to wait for emerging countries to outsource what they no longer intend to produce and increase internal economic inequalities everywhere. To be more competitive a country must create links with others countries. The relationships created will bring both opportunities and disadvantages. In Europe, we have an economy imbalance between emerging countries such as Romania, Poland…. and the developed countries. Globalization helps emerging countries growing and expanding by opening barriers to competition, trade and investment. Moreover globalization will boost growth and will rise social welfare through a more efficient allocation of resources. In First Part we will see the changes that can make globalization in the business and in the second part in the globalization can altering the life of people.
First of all, In Europe we have 2 groups of countries, the countries of West and the countries of East. In reality we talk about the rich countries for the West and emerging countries for East. These countries don’t have the same economic wealth for instance the GDP in Luxembourg is 64000€ per residents unlike in Leetonia is 5600€ per residents. Website: The difference is very huge but these countries belong to the European Union. The Current state in Europe is at

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