Identification des s quences codantes enti res des sous unit s de r cepteurs nicotiniques chez le puceron du pois Acrythosiphon pisum

4139 mots 17 pages
Identification des séquences codantes entières des sous-unités de récepteurs nicotiniques chez le puceron du pois Acrythosiphon pisum. Jérémy GATINE
Pesticides are used widely, for professional usage like protecting crops or in casual life. Since they are a health public problem, initiatives such
“Plan-Santé Environment” or “Santécancer” emerged in order to control and limit the use of the most toxic pesticides. Among them, insecticides, which act on the central nervous system, are largely incriminated, and particularly Néonicotinoids, which are responsible of insect’s death by neuronal toxicity.
target specifically insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, but the similarity between insects and mammals receptor lets suppose that insecticides are harmful for humans as well. Indeed, epidemiological studies report that a regular exposition of these compounds could induces chronic toxicity or decrease cognitive functions. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are involved in many physiological functions in the central nervous system. They are pentameric receptors composed of several different types of subunits. The genome of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, a pest, has been sequenced recently, thus the expression of the subunits among an organism in order to characterize exact configuration of nAChR of A.pisum. This could give rise to a new model for studying the ligandreceptor interaction in both insects and mammals ending in the definition of new pharmacological compounds. Here, we aim to amplify the coding sequences of some nAChRs subunits in A.pisum. Below are presented the results. L’utilisation massive de pesticides à usage agricole ou domestique est aujourd’hui devenue un problème de santé publique, comme en témoignent les plans Santé-

Envrionnement et Santé-Cancer lancés par l’INSERM ces quatre dernières années. Des études ont montré que les pesticides agissent comme des boosters

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