Impact of the crisis in france

383 mots 2 pages
kerviel should have to steal the 4.9 billions…
The purpose of this paper is to the crisis with a symbol: the judgment of one man: Jérôme Krievel. He was given a 5 years sentence which 3 years suspended sentence and was fined 4,9 billion!! It was the trial of a man like if it was the guilty of the French crisis. But it is not guilty, it was a symbol of the economic’s slide.
In the first place, come back on the 20th of January 2008, when Daniel Bouton (PDG) exposes the disaster: Mr Kerviel could have hided 50 4,9 billion Euros’s placement from the executive Director. It’s the beginning of big difficulties for “Société générale”.
In fact, Mr Kerviel, a trader, had invested 4,9 4,9 billion in by-product.
The By-product is a product which can be return 12%.It composed is an addition of product. And in this product there is the Subprime and other “toxic product”. Actually, this product doesn’t exist, it was a product of speculation. Then when the crisis of the subprime appears, the value of this product is 0!
So it’s like the “socièté générale” had put 4,9 milliards in the trash! In addition, it loosed 2 milliards in the crisis.

In the second place, Société générale is not the only bank “victim” of this crisis. The term victim is not the right term. Because they make what they are the victim. In perspective of big benefit, they don’t watch on what they invest and to attract money they create fictive product. It was like a time-bomb. Which explosed…

And in this story, in my opinion, it’s impossible that a man can “play” with 5 billion without control. How only a man can escape the bank’s system of supervision.
Socièté générale Had to watch the transaction. The FMI should have too. This remark lead to another question: Can we trust in notation agency like moody’s…

Lastly, Mr krievel is a guilty but he mustn’t to have a sentence so stronger because he is a man trap in a system where you must make benefits. With this crisis, at least we are cleaning the

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