Inteligence economique

37153 mots 149 pages
Université Hassan II Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et sociales Ain Chock

Mémoire pour l’obtention du Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures Approfondies Option : Sciences de Gestion

Etude Empirique sur les Pratiques des Entreprises Marocaines en Matière d’Intelligence Economique
Préparé par : M. Rida CHAFIK

Les membres du jury : Président : M. Lhacen BELHCEN Professeur à l’université Hassan II Casablanca.

Suffragants : M. Driss ALAOUI MDAGHRI Professeur et Président de l’Association Marocaine de l’Intelligence Economique (AMIE). : M. Jamal Eddine TABBAA Professeur à l’université Hassan II Casablanca. : M. Marouane EL MANSSOURI Chef de service Etudes et Veille à la POSTE

Année universitaire: 2006-2007

The competitive intelligence is a gait that permits to detect the threats and the opportunities, to satisfy the need of information and knowledge and to help towards the decision making and to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise. We put the accent, in the first left of this work, on the origins of the apparition of the concept of the competitive intelligence, its different definitions and its main functions. We treat thereafter, the process of the competitive intelligence, process judged by the authors as indispensable to assure an efficient surveillance. In the second part, we present the survey led on nine Moroccan enterprises in order to detect their practices concerning competitive intelligence. This survey carries on: - The importance granted to the competitive intelligence within these companies; - The presentation of the economic intelligence system; - The identification of the applied gait; - The assessment of the system in relation to the needs of the company. The first chapter is about the methodology of the investigation: its objective, the choice of the sample, the development of the questionnaire, the fashion of administration and the pilot investigation. The second chapter presents the returned accounts, which

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