International contract law arbitration example

4623 mots 19 pages


As an integral part of the sales team of Company X located in Paris, your group has been assigned the task of negotiating a major sale of product Y to a client located in country Z. The client’s purchasing department has insisted that the products be guaranteed as “defect-free” for a one-year period, with full reimbursement of purchase price if the products are determined to be defective. Your company is not comfortable with the granting of any product guarantee since these products are in fact based upon new, “cutting-edge technology.”

In addition, the client’s legal department is insisting that the contract be governed by country Z’s laws and that any and all disputes be exclusively resolved in country Z’s courts. Finally, the client desires to make payment against documents with the presentation of drafts—something which your finance department is not very comfortable with.


First your group needs to select a country (through Maud) not yet selected by other groups. Then, respond to the following Questions in electronic form--total response not more than 20 pages--sent to Maud no later than March 31st (1 point per day late penalty). Be sure to cite your sources of authority in footnotes and bibliography.


Question #1:









Question #2:


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