Iran: nuclear crisis and persian turnemants

2214 mots 9 pages



Because of the immense military power she can offer, the political control of nuclear weapon is a key issue for the geopolitical negotiations. The entry of Iran to the rank of nuclear power is a nightmare for a lot of western countries. Instability in the Middle East, the higher oil price, the persistent terrorist risks: the Iranian nuclear crisis is a new factor of tension, one of the most threatening.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in charge of the respect of the treaty, is powerless on this ground, from which her inspectors were banished.
In which case the previous actions of western countries make them lost their credibility and their fight against in the Iranian nuclear program?
In a first part we will make a return on previous facts to understand the ongoing situation. In a second part, we will talk about the UN role and their action in the Iranian crisis. Finally, we will make a take a turn of the foreign opinions through the reactions of European countries, US, China, Israel, and Islamic countries.
Returns on previous facts

The nuclear program of Iran was launched by the Iranian Shah in the 1950s. A great cooperation between Iran and US during from the 1950s to the 1970s permit to the “Atom for peace” program to grow. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi reigned over Iran in this period, and after the fall of Mohammad Mossadegh encouraged by CIA in 1953, the government seemed stable and friendly enough to the western countries so that the nuclear proliferation didn’t become a threat.
In 1959, the Tehran nuclear research center (TRNC) was establishes and a reactor with a 5MW power working with the highly enriched uranium was provided by Washington. In 1968, Iran signed the non-proliferation treaty. With the creation of an atomic nuclear agency, the Iran had the project to built 23 nuclear power stations in the country

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