Kodak at a crossroad

3021 mots 13 pages
Kodak at a Crossroads
Strategic Management Fundamendals
September, 2010

I/ Covering Letter 3 II/ Executive Summary 4 III/ Challenge Statement 5 IV/ Analysis 6 V/ Alternatives 10 VI/ Recommendations 11 VII/ Implementation 12 VIII/ Contingency plan 13 IX/ Bibliography 14

I/ Covering Letter

Report of Consultancy Group
To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
Eastman Kodak Company

In our opinion, the accompanying analysis and recommendations appearing on 14 pages present fairly, in all material respects, that the position of Eastman Kodak Company (the Company) and the results of its operations and its cash flows could be characterized as unstable and indefinite with several problems. These problems might be solved in the nearest future. This is the responsibility of the Company’s management team; our responsibility is to express an opinion on this strategy and other business solutions based on our analysis. We conducted our research of company situation in accordance with strategic management standards generally accepted in ESC Rennes School of Business, which require that we plan and perform the report to obtain reasonable and sufficient solution of the company’s problems.

Our report includes analysis of the company situation, defining the challenges, stating the alternatives and recommendation of the possible actions to be implemented by company.

We strongly believe that the implementing improved business model or the introducing new effective company strategy could be the most useful practice for the Company in the present situation on the market. Maintaining leadership in photography industry and developing new company vision for Kodak as a strong brand with long history are significant.

We consider our recommendations to provide a reasonable basis for your business solution.

Coralie Rebillard, Elizaveta Romanishina, Yannis Treffot, Matthieu Vernet, Sophie Winter

ESC Rennes School of Business,

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