La religion au moyen age

370 mots 2 pages
By Vetea Marx 5Frc 1) Explain the difference between the feudal system and absolute monarchy 2) Using France as an example, explain how the king was able to increase his power at the expense of the noble, church (Huguenots) …

1) They aren't really mutually exclusive and feudalism by definition requires a monarch to be the overlord of the lords. The feudal system is where there is a king at the top of a hierarchy of lords responsible for running manors within the realm. The lord has serfs which are basically slaves that are tied to the land they live and work on and owe allegiance and taxes to their lord. In return the lord is expected to protect them from danger and sometimes from other things like providing for them during a famine. The king legitimizes the lord's power and the lord reciprocates by promising military manpower when the king requires it and also taxes.

Monarchy can certainly exist without feudalism and this started happening at various times throughout Europe from the Renaissance through the 19th century. The only thing that is required to call a system of government a "monarchy" is to have a hereditary executive that is not answerable to anyone else. There are usually other features to this. When the monarch does not have total power in any capacity and must request certain things from a legislature, it's typically called a "constitutional monarchy" since the powers of the monarch are limited. If the monarch does not have to go to a legislature or other body to make requests and simply rules by fiat, it's called an "absolute monarchy."

2) The king limited the number of nobles by destroying part of their castle. The king also employed fewer ministers for helping him. He writes pact that let people chose their religion. That pact make church less powerful than before. He increases the numbers of intendants usually from the bourgeoisie. Louis XIV builds a palace outside Paris and obligates the nobles to visit it

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