Langue 1 anglais

432 mots 2 pages
Le corrigé de LV1 anglais, Bac STG :

1) b- a letter
2) a- a teacher
3) b- a detective
4) b- a need for information
5) a- Ernest’s son
6) c- missing
7) a- Ernest


A Right or wrong ?
1) Wrong : “I read about you in the newspaper” (l.3)
2) Wrong : “have opened this big new agency” (l.3)
3) Right : “I have two daughters and we have a son” (l.8)
4) Wrong : “This boy […]has not been seen for two months” (l.9-10)
5) Right : “I cannot afford the services of a private detective” (l.26)
6) Right : “if you hear anything at all, please address a note to the undersigned, myself, the teacher” (l.30-31)

1) l.4 : “I am very proud for Botswana1 that we now have a person like you”
2) l.12-13 : “I took time off from school and searched the land around our village”
3) l.16 : “He was a boy who liked to wander”, l.16 : “he had a strong interest in nature”, l.17 : “He knew a lot about the bush”
4) l.18 : “There are no leopards in these parts any more”

1) Ernest
2) The police
3) Farmers and people of the villages nearby
4) Thobiso
5) Mma Ramotswe
6) People from other Mma’s enquiries

1) passed (l.8)
2) vanished (l.9)
3) to check (l.21)
4) wealthy (l.26)
5) enquiries (l.27)

l.17-18 : “He knew a lot about the bush and he would never get into danger from stupidity.”

l.23-24 : “If I were not a Christian, I would say that some evil spirit had lifted him up and carried him off.”


Sujet 1

Il s’agit là de rédiger un dialogue entre Thobiso et ses parents. Il est important de bien faire ressortir l’inquiétude qu’ont éprouvée les parents, puis leur soulagement à son retour. On peut facilement imaginer qu’ils le « bombardent » de questions pour savoir ce qui s’est passé, ce qui lui est arrivé… Les réponses que pourraient donner Thobiso font appel à votre imagination… Cependant, il ne faut pas oublier les éléments qui sont donnés dans le texte.

Sujet 2

C’est un sujet

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