Le cautionnement

7111 mots 29 pages
BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation DRC: Democratic Republic of Congo CNDP UN: United Nations RC Huye: Radio Communautaire de Huye TIP: Trafficking In Person US: United States UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund UDHR: Universal Declaration of Human Rights NGO: Non Governmental Organization STD: Sexual Transmissible Disease HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus RDRC: Rwandan Demobilization and Reintegration Commission MIFOTRA: Ministry of Public Serve and Labor


INTRODUCTION From the birth of human civilization, human instinct has driven people to move across geographic frontiers, be it in search of food and shelter, to avoid persecution, or for an insatiable need to explore. The history of migration has evolved with the rise and fall of civilizations. Today, reshaped by the formation of nation states, extreme poverty, economic imbalances, environmental degradation and security challenges, migration systems have undergone fundamental transformation. The dynamics of modern day migration, with multi-faceted dimensions, complexities and challenges, is a good starting point to better understand trafficking that fundamentally involves the movement of people. Trafficking is a serious crime and embodies many facets of human rights abuses. Thousands of children are caught up in these criminal activities every year, causing them great harm. Over recent years much has been written about the dynamics of trafficking, and many ambitious and well-intentioned statements of commitment to combat trafficking have been made in the international fora. But there is still a lot of gap in between the cup and the lip. Many countries are still lagging behind with regards to ensuring safety and security of their children against trafficking. Rwanda is not exception to this. Rwanda seems to be not yet used by criminals as a source child trafficking. But as an over-populated country, with lot of population living below the poverty line- it is easy for the human traffickers to lure

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