Leadership : values

1150 mots 5 pages
Leaders can use power for good or ill
Leadership=> Power => Ethical questions=> Values => Choices
Leadership is strongly linked to the degree of trust between the leader and his followers. The leader sets the “moral standard” throughout the company.
Trust in the leader: 4 qualities : Vision / Empathy / Consistency / Integrity (Bennis and Goldsmith)
Mc Gregor’s Theory X and Theory Y :
Theory X: Pessimistic view : workers are inherently lazy and leaders should control them
Theory Y: Optimistic view People are motivated to work : Autonomy should be given
Definition of the concept of values :
“Values are constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individuals important”
Values develop early and are very difficult to change
Values cannot be seen directly: inferences when you observe people’s behaviors (Behavior is the only visible part of the iceberg)
Instrumental values: Modes of behaviors (ex: be positive)
Terminal Values: Desired end state (ex: be accepted among the group)
Zenke study about values changing depending on the generation 1. Veterans 2. Baby boomers 3. The Gen Xers 4. The Nexters
(Main difference between these categories: relationship to authority / will to get more autonomy)
His work is criticized but new studies show there are dynamic “Generation archetypes” which are recurring regularly throughout history: 5. Prophet : seek social consensus after major disaster 6. Nomad : revolt against the system during cultural renewal 7. Hero : individualism, personal success after the spiritual awakening 8. Artist : Focus on essentials during a great war or crisis

Moral Reasoning : (MR)
Moral reasoning refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical or unethical behaviors. Moral reasoning does to refer to the morality of individuals per se, or their espoused values but rather to the manner by

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