Les types d'energies renouvelables dissertation en anglais

986 mots 4 pages
Current issues of energy

There are various ways by which energy can be produced. The most important issues for energy are: Biomass materials such as wood, animal waste, and crops. These materials can be burned to generate energy for human consumption. Energy Coal is a fossil fuel that is commonly used in producing energy. Geothermal energy seeks to generate power from the high temperatures below the Earth's surface. Hydroelectric power has been used to do work throughout history. Nuclear fission is being used in nuclear power plants to generate substantial amounts of power. However, there are dangers to using it and it won't be possible to use it forever. Nuclear fusion is an alternative energy source of tremendous potential. Nuclear power is a good way to produce energy but it has some weaknesses. If properly developed, it could solve all of the world's energy problems. Solar power is an extremely clean and renewable form of energy that comes from the sun. Energy wind power has been used at least since 600 BC.
Energy is now one of the major problems in the world. The energy that we have is disappearing and we need to find some solutions to it.
The dependency rate of some countries for energy sources obliges them to import energy. In the European Union the average dependency rate is 56%.

Although the European Union has legislated in the area of energy policy for many years, and evolved out of the European Coal and Steel Community, the concept of introducing a mandatory and comprehensive European energy policy was only approved at the meeting of the European Council on October 27, 2005 in London.
The EU currently imports 82% of its oil and 57% of its gas, making it the world's leading importer of these fuels. Only 3% of the uranium used in European nuclear reactors was mined in Europe. Russia, Canada, Australia and Niger were the largest suppliers of nuclear materials to the EU, supplying more than 75% of the total needs in 2007.
Key proposals for EU

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