Lettre d'invitation

299 mots 2 pages
(To Request Someone to Visit With You in the US)
Note: This letter should be sent to the person who will be requesting the visa, and that person should present it to the US consul in conjunction with the application for the tourist (B-2) visa. The person should also present as much documentation as possible to establish that he/she will be returning to their country prior to the expiration of their authorized stay in the United States.

Date: _________ United States Consulate General
(Address of Foreign Consulate Where Person Will Apply for the Visa)
Dear Honorable Consul: 1. My name is _______, and I reside at _____________________________. 2. I am a United States citizen (or lawful permanent resident alien). 3. I am requesting that you issue a tourist (B-2) visa to ___________, in order to allow her/him to visit with me in the United States. 4. (Explain your relationship to the person in number 3 above). 5. _________ will be visiting with me from ______ to ______. (Explain why you want the person to visit). 6. During her/his stay in the United States, she/he will stay with me at my home/apt. at the address stated above. I will be responsible for all of her/his room and board expenses while she/he is in the United States. 7. Upon the termination of her/his visit, she/he will return to _________. 8. _______ will be presenting this letter to you, together with other evidence to establish her/his close ties to her/his country, and to assure you that she/he will return prior to the expiration of their stay in the United States.
Your kind consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Telephone No.

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