
4354 mots 18 pages
“If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: The rules of the game, the stakes and the quitting time.”
That’s a Chinese proverb and it shows that games are important in the Asian culture.
Gambling is very popular in Asia, if we talk in more detail this phenomenon Macau is undoubtedly the most striking example. In fact, casinos have become really important that the Chinese government decided to reserve the exclusive gambling in Macao, which places the city to the rank of "Asian Capital of the game" like Las Vegas in the United States. The urban setting is fully drawn with luxury and international hotels and casinos.
Macau is a representation of what the game is in Asia.
We will see during this study several aspects of gambling.
We have to remember that gambling are part of the Asian culture whatever the age, the gender, or social class everyone play and love playing. Also gambling became a family activity, we can see that entire family are going until Macao or other centers just to have fun in the casino, it become a family trip.

Gambling in Asia has another meaning than in Europe. In fact, European gambling select people with high-income it is a small world not for everyone.
This study is interesting in reason of our approach answers those points.
Indeed, there was an evolution of gambling in Asia and we will explain it in the following study.
First we will see the history of gambling more precisely the past. Then the present aspect of gambling, how and where are Asian people gambling nowadays and to end with the future aspect, what are the new forms of gambling.
Before starting, it’s important to define the key word: gambling, so that everybody will understand easily our subject. * What is the meaning of Gambling?
Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money

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