
34869 mots 140 pages
République Algérienne Démocratique et populaire.
Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique.
Université El Hadj Lakhdar.
Faculté des sciences.

Département des sciences de la terre.

Mémoire en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de Magister en aménagement du territoire.
Option :

Dynamique des milieux physiques et risques naturels.

Thème :

Modélisation des écoulements et perspectives de prévention contre les risques d’inondation dans quelques bassins de la Medjerda
(Confins Algéro-Tunisiens).

Présenté par : Belloula


Devant la commission d’examen :

Nemouchi. A

: Président

MC-Univ -Constantine.

Dridi . H

: Promoteur

MC-Univ -Batna.

Kalla . M

: Examinateur1

MC-Univ -Batna.

Amireche . H

: Examinateur2


Année Universitaire : 2007-2008.



The basin versant (stope) of Meskiana-Mellegue Amont is situated in the East of Algeria, many vulnerable zones to the risks of flooding are present (existe) in this basin. A previons defintion of the géological and hydroclimatological parameters was relised.Hydrological analyses and the transportation of the fluvial sediment (deposit) were realised on different periods in orden to devlop a set of elements and tools for taking decision for a better mangement of the flooding risks. A detailed quantitave and qualitative analysis of solid and liquid debits representative measured at the level of the two representative stations (Ouenza,
El Aouinet) permitted to establish some relations between the transportation of the wads solid and their debits. The development of the model debit solid- debit liquid, using a correlative analysis permitted to choose this model in a simple curve, which is the most frequent and appropriate translating of an erosive action. The comparison between the results of the empiric formulas and those of the model offer a very favorable conditions especially for the mobilization of the transportation of the materials. To this

en relation

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