Marketing de mr propres

911 mots 4 pages
Case Study Procter and Gamble

Analyse of the brand Mr Clean

Questions about the document : [pic]

1) Constuire la pyramide de marque et ajouter l’imaginaire

Brand Summation

Mr Clean is well reconizable.

The brand is innovative and offer a variety range of products and accessories.

The image of the brand is positiv, with sympathy, expertise, conviviality, and efficacy


The positionning of the brand is based on efficacy and also by the présence of armoniac in the détergent.

The brand has launched severals fragrances and was the first to introduced the lemon which was the first fragrance houlehold cleaning product.

Benefits fonctional and emotional

Fonctional :

The products and accessories are convenients, easy and simple to use, and efficient.
The fragrances are well appreciated by the consumers.

Emotional :

Womens spend hours by cleaning the house and some tiny surfaces are hard to clean.
Thanks to Mr Clean, womens have the feeling that impossible is nothing and that the products will help them.

Cleaning the house seems now easier , confortable, funny and nicer compare tothe past.

Reasons to believe

Mr Clean’s promise are efficacy, expertise and at the same time the care of the laundry.
The scenario used in the add enforce the idea that Mr Clean Works !

Target and competitiv market

The target of Mr Cleans are womens looking for both pleasure and convenience.

The market of the detergent is share by 19 brands were Ariel and another P and G brand has 21 % .
This market has lots of competitors such as Ariel which is also a leader.

2) The imaginery of the brand

Mr Cleans produce an imaginery thanks to :

A) The character :

The icône of the brand is a muscle and bold sailorman earing an immaculate tee shirt and always smiling.

This image represented by Mr Clean is a strong man who reflect the man of the situation , as a

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