
1025 mots 5 pages
What is a Gap Year?
A gap years is a common phenomenon in UK and it’s becoming more common in
USA .it consists in do a break in studies between high school and university , after university or before getting a job .
Today, thousands of people are taking gap years all over the world . A gap year can be anywhere, for any length of time for doing anything you want.
A gap year is constructive time out to travel in-between life stages. It usually means travelling, volunteering or working abroad. Often it means all three! Is a way to discover the world and expand his horizon. A Gap years are now seen as a way to improve your resume and to gain relevant work experience in a particular field.
Take a gap year has many advantages. Indeed, this may allow us to improve its capabilities in language or learning a new language. We can also discover new cultures.
In the case or we make some voluntary service it allows us to acquire a more important self-confidence, make decisions, we have a better capacity to adapt to work in team.
During a gap years we acquire a maturity that is very demanding in the university studies. Depending on the activities and the place of our gap years we can have a greater motivation for the rest of our studies and a confirmation of our projects. However a gap years has disadvantages . Indeed, it can be expensive and beyond our financial means, it can be also a waste of time. In addition, after a gap years the people can be unmotivated for continue their studies and therefore have difficulty going back to school.
A gap year is not be considered as holiday , we must keep a minimum of serious.The fact of traveling and being away from our home and from our family can be a problem.
Le plus souvent , les personne décide de prendre une gap years pour s’améliorer en langue ou apprendre une autre langue , pour s’ouvrir sur le monde : découvrir de nouveaux pays de nouvelles cultutes et s’humaniser , ne pas se contenter de voir ce qui

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