
352 mots 2 pages
Name :………………………………………………………. CEM Grand Yoff
Surname :………………………………………………….. School year
Class :………………………………………………………… 2009 2010 First English Test/second semester Text: Women’s life in “Fouta”
In Fouta the majority of women live in poverty. Their life is very difficult.
Some of them walk many kilometers under the sun to find water and firewood which are heavy loads.
They cut firewood in the forest where snakes can bite them.
These women work long hours on the land, weed it in order to earn money.
They breed sheep and goats to sell the milk they produce. The money received will help them to take care of their children, to offer presents during naming ceremonies, to buy clothes and furniture.
They also do all the domestic chores while their husbands are talking or sleeping. During all the day they work hard and don’t rest. So they are often ill because they rest a little.
I-Answer the following questions. (3pts) 1) What are the heavy loads these women carry?
2) What is the danger they can meet in the forest?
3) What happens to them if they don’t rest?
II- True or false. Justify. (3pts) 1) The women buy firewood in the forest. (………………………)
2) They breed sheep and goats to drink the milk they produce. (……………………………)
3) Their husbands do all the domestic chores. (…………………………)
III- Find in the text the

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