Music plays a very important role in our life

688 mots 3 pages
Music plays a very important role in our life. We can almost hear music anywhere. Different music serves different functions in our life. Why is music important to many people?
The reasons are presented below :

Music is a very important form of art. Like other arts, music is ubiquitous and has become a part of our life. The whole lifetime of most people is accompanied by music. A baby falls in sleep in the music of a lullaby; a young student may learn to play a musical instrument and listen to music from the radio, TV and a Walkman. There is music for birthdays, for weddings, for New Year's day... There is music for every single occasion in our life.

We are surrounded by various kinds of music since we were born and music has become an integral part of our life. Interesting enough, music often serves as an important part to other art forms, such as music in dancing, drama and movies.

Music is part of the history. The history of music is almost as long as the history of human civilizations. Music from old times has become the great culture heritage to us. One of the examples is classic music of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. People enjoy their music from generation to generation.

Listening to music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment. There are so many kinds of music that can suit tastes of different people. Young people like pop music and Rock-and-Roll and older people may enjoy classical music and opera. Whether we are happy or sad, there will always be music that we can listen to.

People can express their feelings and emotions through music. Lovers often play soft love songs to show their love and devotion to each other.

For the reasons presented above, we can see how important music is to our life. It is hard to imagine a history without music, and a life without music.
La musique joue un rôle très important dans notre vie. On peut presque entendre la musique n'importe où. Musique différente remplit des fonctions différentes dans

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