Nature et découvertes

329 mots 2 pages

We have chosen a TV commercial because, in our mind, this support is more attractive than a poster or others supports. Furthermore, contrary to a poster, it can tell a story and consequently, we are more enticed toward a television advertisement. Therefore, we thought that it was more interesting to work on a TV commercial.

We are going to present to you a TV commercial which dates back to 2004. That’s an Hansaplast’s advertisement for promote news condoms: Hansaplast Stimulating.


During the major part of the commercial, the child says only one sentence: “My mum said I could” and just another at the end: “Mum, can I put the cat in the washing machine?” and his mum just answers “Yes yes yes!”. The copy doesn’t inform us about the product or the brand name.


The brand is Hansaplast and we can see the product for sale at the end of the commercial but during all the spot, we don’t know about what is it. With the picture of the product, we are made to understand the story.


The main character is a child and there are many minor characters as he policeman, the tattooist, the teacher or the snake saleswoman.


The commercial tells the story of a child who makes things that children don’t do generally. Thus, we can see him getting tattoo, buying a snake, driving a sport car, sawing up a chair at school and every time, he says at people “My mum said I could” to justify his acts.
We wonder why his mum give permission to him to do all that but it’s just at the end of the commercial that we understand. Indeed, at the end he asks her mum to put the cat in the washing machine and she says “Yes yes yes!”. However, we understand that she doesn’t answer to her child because, in

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