Participer à une réunion

448 mots 2 pages
Participating in a Meeting
RPG Advertising Company is a new advertising firm. It hopes to get its first major break with an automobile company. Drake, the team leader, called up all the members of the team for a brainstorming session in the office lounge at 3:00 p.m.

Drake: Jasmine: Drake:

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming. Jasmine, could you be the minute-taker please? Sure. As you all know, we have a major opportunity that could lead to something big for the company. I've arranged this meeting so that everyone can give their ideas on the best way to advertise this car. What special features does this car have that others don't? Here's a list of the car's features. Everyone gets a copy... What do you think, Kathy? Edward? As I see it, the car offers the same conveniences as other cars on the market - air bags, comfy seats, high-powered engine, and a hi-tech entertainment system. The edge, I guess, is that it looks so much bigger and it screams wealth. What do you think, Edward? I couldn't agree more. In my opinion, the car was designed to advertise power, wealth, and fame. There is nothing subtle about it. It is a car for the rich and idle, the rich and famous, and the very rich and infamous. Therefore, what better way to communicate that than with huge billboards, the most famous actors, and a grandiose product

Edward: Drake: Kathy:


launch? Kathy: You may be right there, Edward, about the car exuding power and wealth. But I believe that the power is tempered with elegance. I agree that the product launching should be grandiose, but it must also be elegant. Otherwise the product will appear ostentatious, and we don't want that. Of course. You're right. Well, then. It seems we have reached a general agreement. Jasmine, could I ask you to give everyone a copy of the minutes of the meeting before the day ends? Yes, no problem. Thank you, Jasmine. Thank you, everyone, for your ideas. Let's all keep thinking about this. I want

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