Plans des textes de terminale

5823 mots 24 pages
Textes Etudiés - oral 2006

( "Not for Lads", excerpt from Billy Elliot, by Melvin BURGESS (2001)

( Excerpt from The Awakening, by Kate CHOPIN (1893)

( "Across the Lines" by Tracy CHAPMAN (1985) and "Like a King" by Ben HARPER (1992)

( "Whistle Stop, Alabama, 1933", excerpt from Fried Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop, by Fannie FLAGG (1987)

( "No Reason to Worry", excerpt from All the Dead Lie Down, by Mary Willis WALKER (1998)

( "Gun Violence in the US", by Stuart JEFFRIES, The Guardian, Friday May 17, 2002.

( "Mastering the Geometry of the Jungle with Math", by Nicholas BAKALAR, The New York Times, Saturday February 4, 2006

( "Illiterate America", by Shashi THAROOR, Newsweek, September 30, 2002.

( "Penniless but by No Means Poor", by Mari MARCEL-THEKAEKARA, The Guardian Weekly, March 21, 1999.

Pour les T ES2 LV2 :
( "The New Gods", by Madeleine BUNTING, The Guardian, July 9, 2001

A la fin de ce document, après les commentaires de textes, vous retrouverez des conseils pour l'épreuve orale.

"Not for Lads", excerpt from Billy Elliot (2001) by Melvin BURGESS

I-Presentation of the doc

(Source ( date( (Kind of document ( (also a film (Characters in the extract ( ( ( (What has just happened before = the picture( (décrivez l'image et expliquez ce qui vient de se passer)
First paragraph = Billy and his father on their way back home

Paragraphs 2 & 3 = back home (in the kitchen, sitting at the table)

Rest of the text = a dialogue between Billy and his father Billy's grandmother intervenes once

Subject of the dialogue = the father wants his son to stop dancing (ballet lessons)

II-An argument between father and son

(In the dialogue, each person expresses his opinion on Billy's doing ballet.

(Billy : -he loves dancing, he doesn't want to stop. -he knows that's not usual for boys but he

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