Pourquoi coca cola est un mythe?exposition en anglais

1191 mots 5 pages
Problem:Why can we say that Coca cola is a myth?
Introduction :
Coca cola is a carbonate soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines internationally.
Il is produced by The coca cola company in atlanta, georgia, and is often referred to simply as coke ( in European and american countries) as Cola or pop (in some parts of the us).
It was created in 1886 by John Pemberton who was a patent medicine and was bought out by the businessman Asa Griggs Candler.
The reason why it’s called “coca cola” is that it’s made of their 2 ingredients. “Coca” was derived from the coca leaf and “cola” was come from the kola nuts.
The “k” was replaced with a “c” for marketing purposes.
1) Coca cola: the myth
A) A single formula
Coca cola use of stimulants in formula like: * Cocaine

The first formula of coca cola was composed of a strong proportion of coca leaf
In 1891, the formula was changed and contain only a tenth of this amount.
After 1904, Coca cola contains coca flavouring and using “spent” leaves.
This ingredient is extracted of coca leaf but it is cocaine free prepared at a company of plant in New Jersey.

* Caffeine

Kola nuts act as flavouring and it is the source of caffeine in coca cola.
Caffeine is an ingredient whose increase the capacity for mental or physical labor but it is criticizes because it cause physical dependence.

To finish, the formula of Coca-cola is not communicated by the firm , original copy is held (detenu) in SunTrust Bank’s main vault (chambre forte) in Atlanta.
A popular myth states that only two executives have access to the formula.

B) An original and memory design

* Logo design
Coca uses in its logo of letters with round forms.
Its logo is red and it is recognizable all over the world.

* “Contour bottle” design
The coca cola bottle is very famous and it represents a feminine silhouette which we can recognize blindly.
In 1915, the company launched a competition among its

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