Présentation actifry

377 mots 2 pages
Diapo 1 : Présentation
Good morning everyone and welcome to SEB’s meeting; Let’s get started with introducing my colleague Miss Aurélie Leroy , Sales representant and myself Lucile Haegeman , Marketing representant.
Well, we are here here today to introduce a new product but not anyone, it’s an outstanding product who’s called Actifry
Now, I’m going to present you the market and then my colleague give you some explanations about Actifry.
Diapo 2 : Sucess of fries
First, Who in this conference room like french fries ? put your hand up please.
Everybody likes fries all over the world and French fries are very famous!
Diapo 3 : Fry food
Fry food is present on the 5continents. It’s very common to cook it at home and you can cook lots of things like that vegetables, crisps, meat or mixture.
Diapo 4 :Consumers
We can share the market in 2 parts : consumers who likes frying fries and consumers who try to avoid fatty. Both of them are potential consumers to Actifry.
Diapo 5 : Consumers reluctant
In your opinion, why people does’nt like to cook fries? It’s unhealthy
Diapo 6 : Current solutions
Currently, to solve the problem of unhealthy, some company put on the market oven fries but some /few problems still here.
Diapo 7 : market offers
Consumers are not satisfied with that solutions. We can see severals products has been created but no one make the different. Fries are fat because there are pre-fried and then frozen.
Diapo 8 : strategy & aims
Due to this analist, we just find out a new target of consumers.

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