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Amazon Rainforest Protector
The A(mazon) R(ainforest) P(rotector) is an organization that works with people who lives in tropical America, conserving the biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest as well as the culture of the indigenous people. ARP was formed in 1996 and has been active in the regions of the Amazon.

The Amazon Rainforest is located in South America. It’s the most important variety of plants on Earth. Specialists consider that one square kilometer could contain more than 75 000 types of trees and 150 000 species of plants. Today, an estimation of 438 000 species of plants having an economic and social interest were listed in the region, much more remain to be discovered or classified. The Amazon rainforest plays an essential part in the regulation of Earth climate.

Amazon Rainforest Deforestation : Top 5 Reasons Why
1-Fires, on one hand, of course, the destruction of thousand hectares. on the other hand, when the forest burns, it releases enormous quantities of carbon dioxide, which, warm the atmosphere and provokes climate change.
2-Agriculture, the farm arrived partially, because of the exploitation forester. It opened the door to the other activities as the agriculture.The plan soya pushes the farmers to the deforestation.
3-Mining, the mining is a part of causes of the deforestation in Amazonia. The stakes are also enormous. We find in this forest a lot of precious metals
4-Forestry, one of the great dangers for the Amazonian forest is the forestry development which allows the manufacturing of products used in the sector of the building in Brazil but also all over the world.
5- Infrastructures, the opposite effect provokes an influx of population, colonizing little by little the forest. Cities were so recently built in

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